Sioux Falls 2024
In the United States of America, The United Methodist Church is divided into five areas known as jurisdictions: Northeastern, Southeastern, North Central, South Central, and Western. Every four years, the jurisdictional conferences meet to elect new bishops as necessary and select members of general boards and agencies.
The North Central Jurisdiction (NCJ) is a combination of 10 Conferences spanning the Dakotas/Minnesota to East Ohio. Every four years, elected delegates gather to discuss and vote upon new episcopal leaders and matters of the Jurisdiction and to worship and fellowship together.

Faithful delegates from across the jurisdiction to approve the next quadrennium's budget and hear numerous reports from NCJ Volunteers in Mission; The General Commission on Religion and Race; The General Commission on the Status and Role of Women; Global Ministries; Rural, Town, and Country Ministry; and others. As necessary, they may also vote to elect new episcopal leaders,
Jurisdictional conferences are generally held in years divisible by 4, such as 2016, 2020, 2024, etc., except special sessions, or when events such as the global pandemic require rescheduling. Such was the case in 2022, when NCJ met in Fort Wayne IN and the special virtual session in January 2024.
The Michigan Conference is represented by a team of elected Clergy and Lay delegates who will vote on behalf of the Michigan Conference. Click on the Current Delegates tab to learn more.
What will be discussed
At the January Special Session, delegates recommended forming two new episcopal areas: (1) Northern Illinois and Wisconsin and (2) East Ohio and West Ohio. At the World General Conference in May 2024, a budget was passed that allowed only 6 bishops per jurisdiction. Bishop Frank Beard (Great Rivers) announced in June he would be placed on indefinite medical leave. The NCJ currently has 7 episcopal areas - so even with the approval of the two newest areas last January, delegates will still need to merge two additional conferences into one. The primary action of the Special Session is to approve these new episcopal areas and make episcopal assignments, effective September 1, 2024.
In July, the College of Bishops will honor two of their retiring members, Bishop Julius Calvin Trimble of Indiana and Bishop Gregory V. Palmer of West Ohio. There will be no elections necessary, however reassignments will be required due to the creation of new Episcopal Areas. Here is a list of bishops and when they began serving:
Bishop Hee-Soo Jung - Wisconsins (2012)
Bishop Tracy S. Malone - East Ohio (2016) - Future NCJ Council of Bishops President
Bishop David Bard - Michigan (2016)
Bishop Frank Beard - Great Rivers (2016)
Bishop Kennetha Bigham-Tsai (2022)
Bishop Dan Schwerin - Northern Illinois (2022)
Bishop Lanette Plambeck - Minnasota/Dakotas (2022)
The conference will also hear reports from various jurisdictional committees, such as the NCJ Mission Council, vote on quadrennial budgets, and discuss critical matters.